Your journey to glowing and healthy skin will begin with a thorough skin consultation discussing your skin concerns and your current skincare regimen. Your skin will be assessed and based on your skin type and skin concerns a bespoke treatment plan will be designed. This can include a combination of in clinic chemical peels, microneedling and home care treatments.
You can purchase products during your consultation or online and they will be delivered to your home.

What is hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin becomes darker in colour then the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin is produced in the skin. Treating hyperpigmentation is often challenging and not a quick solution and requires a dedicated treatment regimen. Once symptoms have reduced a maintenance regimen is needed to provide long term results.
There is a number of potential causes of hyperpigmentation:
Freckles- triggered by the ultraviolet radiation (UVR), more common in fair skin, generally fade in the winter.
Age spots- Accumulating damage by UVR exposure, larger than freckles and does not fade in the winter. More common after the age of fifty.
Hormone (Melasma/chloasma)- Melasma appears as symmetrical patches, most often on the cheeks, chin, upper lip and forehead. Sometimes referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” and can last years after pregnancy. Common causes for hormone induced hyperpigmentation include, pregnancy, oral contraception, menopause and hormone replacement medications.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)- PIH occurs following damage to the skin (burns, acne, chemical peels, wounds etc) which causing the skin to become inflamed which in turn triggers melanocytes (melanin producing cells) to release excessive melanosomes resulting in darkened and discoloured areas on the skin. Being exposed to the sun often worsening the symptoms.
What is happening in the skin?
Following an inflammatory eruption or cutaneous injury results in a cascading melanogenesis response which triggers tyrosinase which in turn leads to an over production of melanin. This can occur both deep in the dermis and more superficially in the epidermis.
Targeted actions for hyperpigmentation treatment.
Increase the cell turn over which remove dead cellular build up on the skin, improving dull, sluggish skin and promote healthy skin function.
Corrects and reduces uneven pigmentation found in freckles, age spots and melasma and prevents formation of new pigmentation by blocking the melanocyte activity and blocks the build-up of melatonin to reach the surface of your skin.
Promote healthy fibroblast function which produce extracellular matrix which in turn boosts collagen and elastin production for firmer and resilient skin with fewer lines and wrinkles.
Promote a more compact and uniform distribution of the cells at the deeper layers of the skin improving skin structure and even skin tone.
Improve circulation and nutrient supply for a hydrated glowing skin
Provide antioxidant protection for the skin cells.